There's a lot of curiosity about what people are and are not doing, 6 months into the pandemic. Here's my 'I'm an epidemiologist during a pandemic' list.
Work: My husband is an essential retail worker and I am on the faculty at @uabSOPH . He works 6-7 days a week, most of those in different stores. He is masked at work, but not all customers wear a mask. 😠I'm working from home the rest of 2020. I only wear mud masks in the house.
School: My kids, 2nd and 6th grades, are doing virtual 🏫. It's actually going great. We're up-to-date with all assignments, we're learning, and no tears yet. We're very lucky. No internet issues, each kid has a work space, and we can work around my schedule. So far so good.
Indoor activities: None. No indoor visits from ANYONE, except occasional service people. Masked obvi. Kids not allowed to have friends indoors. No indoor dining. Essential grocery trips only. No retail shopping trips. Take out/delivery only. Occasionally, drive thru pickup.
Kids extracurriculars: We HAVE let the oldest return to baseball. Masked at all times, no dugout use, no bathroom use if possible. Distanced at all times unless at bat or on base. All outdoors and no need for locker rooms. Still contemplating allowing youngest to play.
Kids social life: Youngest (6 yo) has played with 1 friend, outdoors, masked for 1-2 hrs 1-2x a wk. Less now that school started. Oldest socializes at baseball only. Rest is on online via video games. The return to baseball was a mental health game changer for my oldest (11yo).
Adult social life: We have had a family of 3 visit two times since March. One family of five who was social distancing at home, stopped by twice in one week for pool time. All outdoors and distanced. Less than 2 hours each. Four visits total, since March 13th. That's it. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Travel: We haven't traveled anywhere since March. We have family in Wisconsin and Los Angeles that we'd love to go visit, but we haven't yet done so. Have considered road travel, but plans haven't yet come to fruition.
Homelife: We are pretty lucky and have a pool we use daily. We watch lots of movies. We play with our dog, Sophie. We ride scooters and hoverboards in the house bc #pandemiclife, and cook lotsa yummy meals. Oh yeah, lotsa screen time! 😬 We're enjoying fam/home time together!
Conclusion: I'm sharing bc I've had so many ?s about what others are doing, how they are doing it, but more importantly, how they are surviving. I've had many dark days this summer, full transparency. Things have been a lot better lately. Hopefully they are for you all too. 🙏
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