Counting the ripples in the sheets, our heart beats in unison——
Looking up at the fog of unknowns, stripping back layers we never thought would peel——
Only as pure as the clouds allow us to be, blocking our rays of heaven——
Darkness a whole lot better when you are here to lead me home.
Will you close your eyes and just be mine? Or will I continue to be afraid of losing you to those who are better than me? How can someone so precious not be embarrassed of something as imperfect as me? @haibaspider
I’m ready to get down and beg for you, just one chance. And if I mess it up throw me away and find the one. But for now I won’t give up, I will constantly make every day better than the last—because one day it could be.
BUT PLEASE I DONT WANT IT TO BE! I want to be able to kiss your forehead forever and laugh about how you can’t speak Russian but know when I call you a idiot. I wanna almost die everytime i hear you whisper because I know my grave is dug. I have you..
I really do have you, in my arms, in my sights. In my head. You are mine and only mine.
Slowly but surely he will be purple—
Today will be the day I put my love for you into words. And of course a couple kisses.
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