See here's my POV: Both sides never tried to understand what other's thinking. One's standing on the moral high ground and therefore assumes one being a creep, while the proclaimed "creep" just stands too strong on his stance. Both sides are right on what they said BUT (cont'd)
on a sensitive af topic AND on TWITTER, it's either black or white which is sad to see. There's no space for negotiations. I condone sexualization of minor but at this point Jiheon doing a lipbite is just a landmine. It's harmless and people just decides to find someone (cont'd)
who simply mentions "lip bite" and launch missiles on him cuz we all think he's sexualizing minors.

It's just fucking weird that people thought once minors turn 18 at 12:00, a gate call "sexualization" is unlocked as if achievements in games and u can fap to whoever u want.
Sad that any old man who likes kids is generalized as creepy even if they intend no harm. I once played with a kid in the park (cuz he wants to) and parents almost called the police cuz I'm a dude. Yes sexualization on randos is never good, and yes stereotypes aren't good either.
But in the end, this is how twitter works. People act as if they are the social justice warriors and boom. I guess if Megan was few years younger then I'd have been accused as "creepy" cuz I kept screaming for her eyes. <- (Tada I set up sth for everyone to accuse).
Now it just made the fact that we can never compliment on a kid's physical appearance, anymore. Snape would've been a pedo cuz he once told young Harry Potter he had his mother's eyes.
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