Ok, so John Nash (the man A Beautiful Mind is based off of) had said this:
I had wondered (thinking the quote was different) that maybe it’s just that the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind works differently for people with schizophrenia than “normal” peoples brains.
I just had an idea, idk how interesting or stupid it is, but...
First off, John Nash is right to me, although saying that the voices are the subconscious talking can be a deceiving way of describing that notion to the brain who doesn’t have to deal with it. What I’m think of now though...
What if the fundamentals of what a subconscious part of the mind “should” be are in fact why schizophrenic minds so very much perceive the world in a different way. That part is kinda obvious, but my original thought that led to saying that obvious part was...
What if, because the subconscious part of the mind is so hidden from us and our conscious thought and understanding, the subconscious is, well, trying it’s hardest (which is the part that doesn’t make sense, the subconscious being a conscious thing of its own volition) to...
In fact hide itself from the conscious mind. Yet, because it comes through into the conscious mind differently than the non-schizophrenic brain, our conscious mind considers this to be the reality around us.
The fundamentals of perception may fuck with this idea though. Possibly either fucking with it like it’s a friend, or just thoroughly fucking up the idea I had there. Which becomes a bit more of a fucked up type of funny because I deal with the symptoms of schizophrenia.
Like, I still don’t know how to get across the full breadth of what it felt like when I first thought of this. It felt like a key to my mind and it dealt with so much more than what I said in this thread.
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