Cognitive Dissonance. Some people can’t handle the idea that the police don’t serve all communities & are a comfort to them but a terror to others. This cognitive dissonance leads them to lash out at anyone who threatens their carefully constructed worldview that says cops are...
They see unarmed black people being murdered by their “heroes”, but their entire lives they’ve been told tpolice officers serve all people the same. What they’ve been told vs what they see comes to a head & they have to make an emotional & psychological choice on what to believe.
Some end up reevaluating the narratives they’ve been told. Others double down and appeal to criminalization to justify the dissonance. “The black people must be evil & the cops righteous”. Same applies to the reality of racism in our society. Many oppose reevaluation & lash out.
Does this mean that all cops are bad, of course not. Of course there are police officers who take their jobs seriously & who seek to truly be a service to communities. No one I know questions that. However, the history of policing in the black community uncovers dark truths.
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