Long thread. Traveling from New York to Oklahoma, be car comes with challenges, fears, and concerns. I enjoy the ride, the beautiful and scenic views, but I fear for my life and make travel decisions based on the following criteria.
Travel during the day, never stop in small towns, and always make sure my car is in tip-top condition. This weekend I planned a trip from New York City to Oklahoma based on my criteria. Leaving out of NYC on 9/12, the first leg NYC to Louisville, KY went off as planned.
On 9/13, I woke and planned a nice leisurely drive on I-64 traveling west through southern Indiana, Illinois, on into Memphis, and Little Rock Arkansas. I've taken parts of this route and have been stopped more than once.
As a Black man in a Mercedes SUV, I'm all too familiar with the looks from Highway Patrol. It never feels friendly and is always personally unnerving. Today after about two hours of highway driving, I arrived in southern Illinois, about 5 miles from the Indiana border.
As I crossed into southern Illinois, I pulled in behind a truck with a long bed. We both passed an Illinois HP in the center median. After traveling 1/4 mile or so down the road, the patrol car pulled out and passed us for about another 2 miles.
The patrol car pulled up behind me and as I moved to the right lane, the HP pulled up next to me and began to pace me for about another 1/2 mile.
The young white HP pulled in behind me and continued to follow me for approximately another 1/4 mile before pulling me over. If all, if that wasn't unnerving the officer, walked up, and asked for all the necessary information. As I presented the requested information,
I requested why me and not the other cars. He couldn't answer. He said I was driving 88 in a 79 and threaten to impound my car and separate me from my pet who was in the back seat. He then called two other officers. More unnerving.
As I begin to talk with the officers and also stand my ground, one of the officers said, that they were going to try not to impound my SUV or separate me from my dog and things would be ”copasetic.”
I laughed through my protective and said I understand what you are saying and copasetic is not a word I generally use. I know from that word use he was military. They charged $250 cash on the highway and threatened to impound my car. I paid the fee and no impound and or tow.
The officer gave me a ticket for a using my turn signal too late. He asked me why, I did that? I asked him had he been watching the news and did understand the historical fears Blsck men have about the police. He glazed over. I FEARED FOR MY LIFE.
I could look and see how empty those words resonated with him. After the officers left, all I could do is roll up my window. turn up my AC, pet my dog, and cry.
I was humiliated and my being was assaulted. They didn't see me. They never see us. I've lived my entire life with this reality. Nothing has changed.
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