So why does his base stay with him? Again, he’s a demagogue. And he’s good at it.

Demagogues are in essence conmen. Charismatic conmen. Think Jim Jones. Think David Koresh. Yeah, but scarier. He’s got the nuclear codes.
Demagogues use fear and ambition to keep their marks confused and under their spell. Trump is constantly changing the subject, using straw men and red herrings to throw people off. And he lies nonstop.
Maybe worst of all, he uses fear, the ultimate tool of the demagogue. He’s told America—white America—that they’ve been waiting in line patiently, doing what’s right. And behind them are brown and black people about to cut them.
He doesn't tell the truth: that he’s the one blocking the line from ever moving forward. None of us have the time to look ahead, see him and his buddies closing the door, because we keep looking back, fighting for their place.
Racism alone did not create Trumpism, but it was like Kerosene on the fire.
The British historian Thomas Macaulay said, “In every age the vilest specimens of human nature are to be found among demagogues.” I agree, because, like a parasite, a vampire, they prey on our weaknesses for their own ambition.
Trump is sucking on our country’s neck, feasting, and those that know exactly what he is doing—like my opponent—are just hoping to get a taste, lusting for the runoff.
Dark imagery, but an even darker reality. The end of America awaits unless we act. This is serious, not only for our families but for the integrity of the institutions of our democracy. This fake savior is only making the problems he says he can heal, worse.
America is more divided by class and race than ever. That line we are all in, isn’t moving an inch. And its almost to the point the people in the made in China gear dont even care.
They are either part of the scale—benefitting from Trump’s fleecing of the working class—or happy that Trump is tearing down a country, a system, that never cared for them. Trump is their brick though the window, their middle finger to the world—literally.
Remember the warnings of Washington. Go back even further, remember the warnings of the Athenians and the Romans. Remember Dionysius who said, “The shortest way to ruin a country is to give power to a demagogue.”
Don’t let this con man win.

With love for our country and for its people,


Vote. Resist. Starting October 24–early ballot.
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