The best thing about this photo is that they’re clearly in the same sorority but if you look hard enough you can guesstimate the state they’re originally from based on the subtle differences in uniform. From the left: TX, IL (Chicago), CA (Los Angeles)NY, MI, TX, NY, WA, WI, NY
TX- very tan, wide brimmed hat more cowboy inspired than usual. IL-those leather leggings had a longer fashion life in Chicago than NYC and never really made it to the south, CA-way more put together than the other girls, hat a cheaper replica than TX’s hat bc it’s not local.
Miss NY knows this fashion trend is TIRED but she has to conform so she keeps the silhouette and ditched the brown boots & hat, Miss MI? That long in the back short in the front is good old fashion Michigan retired style. there is NO WAY that black lady is from anywhere but TX.
Miss NY part 2! Similarly updated the style and is STUNTING on these basic heauxs ...but she’s still gotta conform so she kept the silhouettes and added a bold black. Washington has more of a camping vibe than the rest of the gals. Miss WI looks exactly like MI but.....cheaper 😂
And last but not least another Miss New York, but unlike her sisters from New York City proper, this one is from upstate NY. The leather skirt is saying she travels to the city on occasion, but you can tell she’s an upstate gal from her studded fringe purse.
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