Strzok is why the FBI was so screwed up for so long.

He was banging a monstrosity, ANOTHER psycho who the FBI said, "Hey! This one's got moxie! Let's hire her!"
I'd never heard of Cardi B, a fanatical Trump hater.

She's a perfect illustration of Strzok and Page all the others leftists' values.

Get out your vomit bag.
Insanely hedonistic self-degradation that leaves you with absolutely nothing.

The more you indulge yourself, the stupider you get.

Cardi B is easily one of the dumbest people I've ever heard.

Strzok is right behind her.
The idea that Trump is controlled by Russia is debunked in a matter of seconds.
Peter Strzok doesn't know that Trump inflicted the worst AMERICAN military defeat on Russia in the entire history of ANY Russian incarnation.

Russian empire, Soviet Union, and Russian federation.
Do you have ANY IDEA how hard it is to inflict 100 percent casualties on a 600-man unit?

One of the survivors said that an entire mobilized rifle company died "instantly."


What the hell kinds of weapons were we using?

I initially thought it was air power.
You can't instantly kill an entire company of men in armored fighting vehicles with air power.

Unless unknown munitions were used.

I'm sure now that Strzok knows, he'll say, "This was arranged by Putin and Trump."


Putin ARRANGED to lose all his influence in Syria!
He ARRANGED to piss off all of Russia with the hundreds of funerals.

As the survivors said, "The Yankees kicked our asses, and of course nothing will be done about it."

Putin and Trump ARRANGED for Putin to be humiliated by Erdogan.
So Russia sent their troops-disguised-as-mercenaries to LIBYA.

They tried to disrupt the destruction of ALL Islamist terrorists groups by American citizen Khalifa Haftar and the Libyan Nation Army.

All Putin does is DISRUPT. He gets his power by interfering.
So Trump cleaned his clock in Syria, and the "mercenaries" stopped coming.


Strzok is too stupid to see that.

He's still dreaming of THIS.
The Russians in Libya ATTACKED CIVILIANS.

This was to discredit Khalifa Haftar.

So SOMEBODY started shooting down Russian air support.

Down, down, down went the MiG-29s.
Here's the deal:


Khalifa Haftar had one mission.

Rid Libya of jihadists.

He accomplished that mission and then pretended to be defeated by actors.
Obama left Libya a million times worse off than he found it.

Our Arab allies solved the problem, with behind-the-scenes economic incentives FROM TRUMP.

The way to reach breakthroughs is to HELP COUNTRIES IMPROVE THEIR STANDARD OF LIVING.
The "professional diplomatic corps" must be bypassed when ever possible.

Peter Strzok is from a dead era.

He may as well by communicating from 1918.

The Saudis welcomed Trump with such ceremony because he agreed to completely change the paradigm:

WE listen to THEM and help WHEN ASKED.

Middle Easterners have been practicing kabuki for centuries.

It's how they save face.

THEY run THEIR region THEIR way.

You may have missed it, but Trump said he expects a deal from Iran within a week of his second inauguration.

Add ANOTHER deal to THAT one:
The American talking to both sides?

Zalmay Khalilzad, oen of the greatest diplomats of all time.

Forget the reflexive negativity.

The Taliban refuses to talk to the OFFICIAL Afghan government.

So they talk to their REPRESENTATIVES.

A distinction without a difference.

Face saving.
In the Battle of Mosul, Major General Abdul-Wahab al-Saadi TRUTHFULLY said that he had no foreign advisors.

Western troops in Iraqi uniform accompanied him without speaking to him.

Then they spoke to HIS STAFF.

The staffers presented any new ideas as their own.
You do things on THEIR terms, and you accomplish your goals.

Peter Strzok is as dumb as a rock.

A rock with an erection.

Thank him for contributing to the Trump reelection landslide.

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