How the fuck does the creator of CUTIES get attacked more for alleged pedophila than Shane Dawson gets for actual, repeated, endless pedophilia
Why aren't Republicans demanding the Department of Justice investigate Shane Dawson and YouTube for pedophilia

oh i know why
I see this bad faith argument coming so repeatedly from such intellectually moribund people that I feel the need to address it

1) Conflating CUTIES with Netflix (a licensee) but acting like it's silly to conflate Shane Dawson with YouTube is flagrantly intellectually dishonest
Netflix didn't make CUTIES, it was a Sundance film that they licensed, one of hundreds they do every month that most people will never watch because they just want to watch ARROW or some crap

But, you know, they did produce "Jerry Before Seinfeld", featuring a guy who did this
I guess it's okay for Netflix to *produce and incentivize* the art of a white guy who has publicly predated on underage girls but not to simply provide accessibility to the work of a Black woman who was herself predated upon by older men, because this is what fired all y'all up
2. "Average joes don't care about some YouTuber"

Yeah well, "average joes" aren't vulnerable to pedophilia, either, "joes" are adults

You know who does care about "some YouTuber"? people who largely are, in fact, vulnerable to pedophilia

But it's all about how YOU feel, right
YouTube is a larger platform than Netflix, more people HAVE YouTube than Netflix (certainly more *children* have access to YouTube than Netflix), and YouTube's role in Shane Dawson's content and celebrity has been much more proactive and involved than Netflix's role in CUTIES
Also, uh, CUTIES is just a movie

It can't get in a child's DMs and interact with them

Shane Dawson can do this and does do this, and his videos get more views in a day than CUTIES has had this entire year

It made $500k at the box office, for god's sake
And, I mean, hell. Put aside Shane Dawson for a second.

Between YouTube and Netflix, which platform do you actually think pedophiles prefer?

Hint: It's the one that they actually bothered to develop a secret code for with which to lure other pedophiles in the comments
Shit, put *pedophilia* aside for a second.

Between YouTube and Netflix, which platform do you actually think has had a more deleterious effect on the fabric of society, or incentivized more pernicious behavior?

Hint: it's the one with all the flat-earth conspiracy videos
You cannot tell me with a straight face that a Sundance film matters. The vast majority of people on this planet have never seen one, even when it was dropped in their own backyard. *Children* who have seen Sundance films are so demographically insubstantial as to be nonexistent
Literally ANYTHING Shane Dawson, or Logan Paul, or Pewdiepie puts on YouTube is more relevant, more notable, and more watched—especially *by children*—than a Sundance film

There was an entire reality TV show testing this principle, THE CHAIR, and Shane Dawson wrecked Sundance
To be less subtle about it, the reason the GOP's more mad at Netflix than at YouTube despite the greater harm the latter platform observably does to kids has nothing to do with 'what is more mainstream' and everything to do with knee-jerk bile toward the 'liberal Hollywood elite'
And though Sundance isn't Hollywood, Netflix supposedly is, and nothing represents 'the liberal elite' to the GOP more than elevating the creative labor of a Black person

I mean look how mad they got at Obama acknowledging that Common was a poignant artist, which he clearly is
Calling Common a "gangsta rapper" despite the fact that he's a sedate, introspective, extremely politically conscious musician and lyricist whose work gets featured in serious documentaries

Because—this is important—angry reactionary conservatives consistently don't know shit
The one resource conservatives have in abundance is access to dishonest, explicitly dogwhistling caricatures of creators and their works with which to effortlessly become incensed despite their complete dissonance with reality

Y'know, the thing they always call 'cancel culture'
So no, I'm not interested in any angry rando's take that CUTIES, a movie they haven't watched or even investigated with any semblance of intellectual rigor, is some kind of pedo porn

I mean if you're suddenly interested in coming for pedophiles there's a backlog you slept on
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