Needs name, check thread!

THANK YOU for all the awesome psychic mon suggestions! There were so many great ones that I have a literal list of new mons I want to make.

#spriteart #pixelart #MonCraft #Pokemon #ドット絵 #monsterdesignmonday #gamedev #fakemon #retro #gbc #gameboy
This monster is docile and calm to the point of near incompetence. Low stats mean they don't do well in battle.

However, when it falls asleep, it's subconsciousness psychically manifests, & viciously attacks foes. When it wakes up, it has no knowledge of the havoc it has wrought
Special shoutouts to @Lockstin and @Kr0nn1cK for helping me arrive at the sleeping aspect (tho its not a Koala like I set out for it to be). Also HUGE shoutout to @crrackerjack for the awesome visual inspiration. Check out her lovely gallery <3
Lastly, I posted 2 versions bc I couldnt decide on which color to use for the Subconsciousness! Which do you prefer? This mon is pure psychic type!
You can follow @moncrafty.
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