At this time of year you might notice small groups of vivid red flowers blooming here and there across the city.
Red Spider Lilies are known as Higanbana (彼岸花 'Flowers of the Autumn Equinox') as they bloom at this time of year.
The autumn equinox coincides with the Buddhist Observance of 'Shuki Higan-e' (秋季彼岸会), when offerings are made at family graves. Because of this the flower has, for many, come to symbolise the afterlife.

#Kyoto #Japan #彼岸花 #Higanbana #autumnequinox #redspiderlily #京都
Higan (彼岸) translates as 'Other Shore', a reference to the far shore of the Sanzu River (三途の川 Sanzu-no-kawa/'River of the Three Crossings'). Similar to the River Styx in Greek Mythology, the dead would cross the river to reach the afterlife.

#彼岸花 #Higanbana #Kyoto
It is likely that Higanbana were introduced from China at the same time as rice cultivation. The poisonous scarlet flowers were once commonly planted at graveyards & fields to deter animals (particularly mice & rats) from feasting on corpses & rice.
#Kyoto #京都 #三途の川
Symbolising abandonment, separation & lost memory, Higanbana are also known as 'Corpse Flowers' or 'Flowers of the Afterlife'. Because of their association with death, they are often seen at Japanese funerals.
It is ominous indeed to gift a bouquet of Higanbana to loved ones!
One other, rather heartbreaking, belief (that I had, rather aptly, forgot until just now) is that the scent of the flowers has the power to conjure up all the memories of a recently deceased loved one.
No sooner have these treasured memories arrived than they are lost for good.
In the Lotus Sutra (妙法蓮華経) Higanbana are described as growing in profusion in Hell, their vibrant colour guiding the dead towards reincarnation.
It is believed that the flowers will bloom on paths for lovers or loved ones who, for whatever reason, will never meet again.
In China and Korea the flowers are often associated with separation and with divided love.
One reason for this may well be the unusual structure of the plant...the blossoms (blooming from long shafts) and leaves are very much separated, making them look somewhat alien.
I keep walking
the spider lilies
keep blooming
歩き続ける 彼岸花 咲き続ける
-Taneda Santōka (種田山頭火 1882-1940).

Beautiful but deadly, Higanbana are for enjoyment in the wild, not for flower displays. To bring one into the house is to tempt a fire!!!
#Japan #Kyoto #Higanbana
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