14/9 is ezcema day so here’s a thread of things you should know about ezcema!!
eczema is not cured by moisturisers :)) and it’s not just dry skin either :))
and yes, overmoisturizing is a thing and not all creams or medicines will work for us
@ one of my teacher but don’t use it as conversation starters :)
can’t believe i have to say this but don’t stop me on the streets and start telling me the ways ur relative/friend/kid’s eczema have been cured?? yes i’ve tried coconut oil??
no, ezcema is not contagious, you dumb fück
everyone has their own accomation to their ezcema, don’t laugh at people for it, it’s literally something we can’t control mate
no, not everyone will grow out of it
ezcema can be affected by the environment but IT’S NOT A CLEANESS ISSUE??
no, it isn’t easy, everything fcking hurts, my skin feels like a burning sahara desert that’s perpetually cracking up, and that’s just how i feel normally, im not even describing a flare up
and to all my moots and non moots with ezcema, I love you so so much and all ur struggles are extremely valid <3 y’all are so beautiful and cool and lovely lemme give u a kiss on the forehead omfg
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