G. Floyd's death came w/ universal condemnation of what happened and swift arrests/charges on officer(s). No one celebrated Floyd's death. In fact, despite circumstances underlying his death he became a martyr. Since May, from NY to LA, cops hv bn attacked in unprovoked attacks https://twitter.com/LAPDHollywood/status/1305249254630469632
hit with bricks, shot, disabled and killed. Ambushes on cops are at 10-year high. Yesterday, 2 deputies, a mom of 6yo n young man whose mother worries at every shift, were nearly killed in unprovoked ambush. Since Ferguson in 2014, every controversial police shooting has been
followed by harsh, anti-police rhetoric, n depraved chants (pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon), and ultimately assassinations of cops in unprovoked, cold-blooded ambushes. Another attacked occurred yesterday. There's no justifying it in any moral, ethical, or sociological
way. The attackers have felt emboldened by an appeasement approach by mayors, govs, and police chiefs. Taking a knee was not enough, apparently. The @MayorOfLA of the largest city in the largest county in USA went beyond appeasement n was first to call for defunding police,
despite the decades long improvements in his PD, bringing OISs way down, 2000 miles from MN, n PD keeping crime in check as it rose in other cities. Appeasement, knees were not enough. He dbl down by calling his cops "killers". Yet just a month b4 satisfaction with PD resulted in
planned budget increase. Then it was defund by $150 m. The attack on the deputies was foreseeable as politicians who appease and defend immoral behavior demoralize good ppl and embolden the bad. I don't say this lightly, but such leaders have the blood of these faithful, loyal,
self-sacrificing, servant citizens on their hands! What decent, good persons will want to be a cop in these cities? The pool of recruits is much smaller, and the pool of exceptional recruits dismal. Finally, while no one celebrated GF's death, look at social media celebrating
attacks on cops in general, and the shooting of the two yesterday. It's depraved and disgusting. Where are the leaders to temper this outlook?
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