Part of the deranged conspiracy theories about antifa arsonists could conceivably be an Astro turf effort by industrialists to obscure and deflect from their role in climate destruction, but also in the past few years there have been very real and deadly arsonists operating 1/
In California, and not one reactionary cares, mentioned them, or had armed patrols to stop them. There name is pacific gas and electric. Again not one fascist mentioned their name
PG&E killed people and caused billions in damage, the right chose to remain silent. Why is this openly murderous company let off the hook?
Well maybe they’ll at least be held accountable by the law
PG&E killed eight four people, plead guilty, and had to pay a small fine. Keep in mind California said it was ok to raise rates to cover their settlements.
But it gets worse, this is to avoid paying settlements
After bankruptcy, they restructure and keep destroying people’s lives
Despite causing dozens of fires, dangerous explosions, and killing hundreds of people PG&E is still operating as the largest energy provider in the US and continue to pull in millions in profit.
All of this murderous arson, property and environmental destruction and no one seems to care. No scare reporting from right wing media, no pitchforks and armed patrols from chud inc. no federal hit squads from the president. It’s almost like fascists don’t care about the truth.
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