Piccme should just make its own fucking money app, instead of crying like a cunt about how cashapp sucksI just find it stupid as fuck that they try to rally up all these people to go against cashapp, I mean sure maybe cashapp will respond to this, but think about it CashApp is a
huge money app, they probably aren't even blinking an eye at these Childish acts. Just fucking pay some developers (bc they show us ALL this money) and make a gosh dare app that does something similar as Cashapp
There's those annoying little games that supposedly give you real cash, so it shouldn't be that hard.. Plus $25 over a Fucking Tattoo that would cost more just to get removed, yeah fucking right id rather eat a live cactus before getting a permanent tattoo of a Twitter page
BLOCK ME IF YOU MUST, BUT I'm sick of this #CashperVsCashapp bullshit, Yeah I ain't gonna lie I was behind them for a bit, but I feel like this is getting out of fucking hand, go ahead @piccmeeprizes block my ass, but I'm speaking my fucking mind, so if you get hurt fuck off
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