How to combat pedophilia- a libertarian take.
1) Teach children comprehensive sex education. Ignorance is a gift to predators.
2) Teach children consent & bodily autonomy- let them know it's _their_ body, and they don't have to anything with it they don't. Including hugging or kissing family members or family friends.
3) Teach children about power dynamics. Just because someone is supposed to have authority over you doesn't mean you have to do things they tell you, if it makes you uncomfortable.
4) Teach children not to let others shame them or make them feel guilty for their own misdeeds. They are not responsible for the feelings & bad actions of others.
5) Teach children to speak up when they feel something is wrong, & not to be embarrassed to tell the (their) truth.

A society that did all that would have a lot less prdophilia.
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