Great traits SVU characters had that should be spoken about more (don’t @ me anything crazy I fight people’s kids)
Elliot Stabler: initially not very open to different lifestyles, mental illness etc but took time to get educated and became soft hearted and understanding to more things
Olivia Benson: believed in herself a lot more and realized she could stand up and alone when it counted. Took time to heal and didn’t let anything knock her down
Nick Amaro: Had a viciously abusive father and made it his mission to not make his daughter feel what he did and always put her above himself
Rafael Barba: Also had an abusive father and while him and Nick didn’t always get along he made sure he showed up for him so that he got justice from his father
Amanda Rollins: Came from a drug fueled addicted background, was assaulted, and she beat her addiction and always believed the victims that may have been portrayed as suspects unfairly
Fin Tutuola: A black man who had a hard upbringing but wanted to save lives by being an officer. There for his son who was gay when homophobia is a huge stigma in the black community
Noah Benson: Saved Liv’s life in many ways where she finally realized regardless of what she thought, she could be a momma. You cannot be a fan of Liv and not see what this character has done for her. This woman cried because she didn’t think she could ever be a mom
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