Today's @washingtonpost gives op-ed space to preposterous misinformation by a Republican politician re #ORfires2020. She blames them on enviros not letting enough logging happen. Here's the satellite view of one of the 5 current megafires, Archie Creek, showing that it burned 1/3
2/3 an area that, as you can plainly see, has been largely devoted to industrial clear-cutting. The same is true of CA's #NorthComplex #CAFires2020 2/3
3/3 as well as the Camp fire that destroyed Paradise, the King fire, and many others. Not the mention the Northwest's earlier champion fires, Tillamook and Yacolt. Industrial timber "management" does not reduce fire risk, and never has.
And here's #ORfires2020 the Holiday farm megafire, even worse:
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