One of the things I find really exciting in modern #biology is the scale of the datasets, and how we can generate them in such diversity 🤩 #singlecell #omics
Just look at the recent slew of #GTEX papers - amazing!
There's often a bit of a tension between "hypothesis driven" vs "big data science"

I've occasionally been disappointed by accusations of "fishing expeditions", "stamp collecting", or doing "descriptive" work.

Of course the reality is that the approaches should co-exist..
@ItaiYanai & M Lercher distinguish "☀️Day science" - busy falsifying hypotheses & "🌜Night science" - exploring data freely, looking closely at the data, mindful of the field. Are the observed patterns surprising or unknown?
Exploratory analysis can ➡️ unexpected discovery!
Their advice not to give up on a dataset is🌲evergreen🌲.

Your hypothesis might be keeping you from seeing the Gorilla in the data ;)
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