This right here. Divination is supposed to guide you back to yourself. Often that does come from a reader with more experience in this work, but ultimately our own inner growth & practicing our own discernment & choice is why we even come into this world /
So if we're constantly looking outside of ourselves for answers, then the purpose of divination has overstepped. Now the medicine that's supposed to guide us back to kickstart our own healing has become a dependency, distracting us from actually doing that healing work. /
And this is no reader's fault. This is up to the client to know when to draw the line. Just as you wouldn't go to every doctor on the block for a second, third, fourth, fifteenth opinion on what ails you, you don't keep going back to readings until you hear what soothes you. /
I mean--being soothed is fine, and necessary for a time--but ultimately what's going to build you back up; especially when it comes to love, is to really get within, do that work in yourself that addresses those wounds & doubts creating this pain, then let them go. /
If the love of your life left, then if it serves your growth for them to come back, they will absolutely return. But if not, then nothing will ever bring them back. And there's no way to know if they'll come back until--IF--and when they actually do. So ... /
What do you do in the meantime? Just moon over their absence, waiting to be comforted by a reading? or do you get on with life, do the work--take ownership of what you learned with them before, and then build yourself back up? /
Because here's the thing--if we don't do that work; if they did come back, we'd just have to go through it all again.

Just like a physical injury, if all we do is take painkillers but never address the actual injury, then we won't heal; it'll get worse & ruin our life. /
So -- when it's fresh (even not so much); we need time to make sense of it, and yes take comfort, & keep hope alive.

But that can't be all we do. We must do the work too, or we're just wasting our time. We can't recreate the past. All we can do is go within /
and do the work to make our future even better--reaching for the feeling & vision of the healing, prosperity, life, or love, we want. Because focusing on that vision is how we get there--not by sacrificing the rest of our lives to mourn a tragic past we can't change. /
We can't look back and expect to move forward. We just have to move forward. But here's the miracle of that:

When we do move forward, do the work, heal, focus on our selves & our own growth, and re-envisioning the love we really want, not the one that had to end... /
then if your person is the one who aligns with that brighter future; having done their own work; then they will return and you can have that better, brighter life (though oc the work never ends!). And it your person is not the one who aligns with this better, fuller love... /
...then you still don't need to worry, because someone even more suited to that, more aligned with that, will come into your life. Either way, you WILL be happier than before. We just have to do the work; go within, and not get lost in hopeful but vague readings. /
Again--divination is just a tool to hone your own discernment; same as reiki is just a tool to spur your own body's ability to heal.

Your readers aren't living your life; they can't tell you what to choose, exactly what'll manifest, or what's good for you. All that is up to you!
So, like any healing or medicine, use it sparingly. Only when needed--don't let yourself get addicted to it or subsititute it for whats actually going to help you get where you want to go. Because getting lost in it won't help you at all.

Peace, love, and clarity to all!
E.T.A.: Major point!

Also remember your own mindset & manifestations don't cease when you look at a reading. SO... if you're constantly in a headspace of desperation & lack regarding the issue, the *readings* that you'll manifest will reflect that. /
Every reading you get (or each collective one you look at) will be a reflection of what YOU have going within you. And the readers know that, but as I said, they can't manifest your life for you. You're manifesting the reader for guidance, but then if you do it too much--- /
--then you lose contact with your inner guidance and your inner power to actually create the life you really want. So remember that. Every time you look to that, it's like sending out a sonar "ping" to test the waters--but then in doing that, you've changed the energy /
--so anything that might have been already coming now has to divert course and be delayed, or come in another form. If you're constantly checking to see if it's here, you're not letting it come & staying externally focused--always just going in circles.

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