So, Cuties:

1) A serious movie that condemns the patriarchal values imposed on many immigrant girls *and* the hyper-sexualized mainstream culture into which some of them flee.

2) The depictions of child sexuality, though meant to condemn, end up glorifying it in troubling ways.
If you forgive the slightly strange comparison, the moral ambiguity of the movie is a little similar to that of La Dolce Vita:

1) There's no doubt that the filmmaker seeks to condemn what they depict.

2) But they depict it so lingeringly that their moral stance is compromised.
Final point:

The people who OKed the marketing campaign have a lot to answer for.

90% of this movie is a serious and at times excellent art house movie without any sensationalism.

While I was troubled by the other 10%, foregrounding it for clicks did the movie needless harm.
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