I’m about to watch My Octopus Teacher on Netflix. I know nothing about it other than there’s a dude who’s really into hanging out with an octopus. So I’m gonna live tweet about it here
Alright. Cool cool. Got some nice scenes of kelp
Uh ok so prior to this, he made a documentary about trackers in the Kalahari. Seems awkward
Ok I like stopped listening for a bit but he like is obsessed with the sea because he wants to reconnect to nature like the trackers are connected to nature or something. And the water is super cold
Nice nice more kelp forests
Holy shit that’s some sweet looking jellyfish
Ok so he’s describing the kelp forest and he’s like swimming down the kelp and he finds a bundle of seashellls. And he’s like “wtf is this”. All the fish around it are also like “wtf”.

AND THEN BLEAUGH. The ball of shells fall over and an octopus escapes out of it
And the octopus is freaked out by him so she wraps a piece of kelp over herself to hide
Ok so the guy decides “I should go visit the octopus everyday” even tho she wants nothing to do with him 😂
He leaves his camera in the water for the octopus to just play with it so she can get used to it
OKAY now we’re introduced to the predators: THE PYJAMA SHARK
Ooooh the octopus is getting used to the guy now. She’s like got her little arms in the den and keeping still but her head’s poking out.

Oh right he’s human he needs to breathe. So he’s gotta pry her arms off so he can go up and breathe 😅
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