white friends,

what the FUCK is a casserole???

- signed, latina
thank you white friends. my fellow BIPOC, here is the summary

- it is a stew of random things in the end of the month where you're poor, it's made in a deep dish with some type of adhesive matrix, there is cheese and green beans and mushroom soup involved? the top is crispy
this dish seems to be very important, also important is that you add NO SPICES. yes my BIPOC friends, the white is naturally averse to even fresh garlic.

shepherds pie and lasagna don't count as casseroles as they are good https://twitter.com/HarveyGMcDonald/status/1305250138080845826?s=19
little bit of history here guys, pretty neat and explains the mildly depressing nature of the dish

haha get it? https://twitter.com/Wagnerian/status/1305255966217134081?s=19
regional update!

in Scotland, a casserole involves beef, hearty veg, stock, water. no crispy, no starchy.

Canada, there seems to be pasta involved.

west coast sees fresh ingredients, pnw+south involve spices, no spices in the midwest

potato vs pasta vs rice for carb
minor update on spices, they are used on the east coast.

midwest, I need you guys to do better. be better.
oh another update! you receive these when someone close to you dies, you are then pressured into returning the dish while you are still mourning

these are also commonly consumed in winter, or when you are poor. very interesting stuff
minor update: my fellow latinos have stated that it is like a guiso, a cazuela, or an enchilada, but for gringos
another update!

-on protein: rabbit, beef, chicken, tuna

-on starch: in addition to rice/pasta/potato, any tuber will suffice. as a Brazilian, I wanna test yucca

-the UK version: https://twitter.com/MBetanoid/status/1305272688743714819?s=19
couple regional differences to add here, from Minnesota and Texas!

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