Idk why I bother cuz it seems like the vast majority of people understood what I'm trying to say with this thread but for those who don't:
1. Racist working class conservatives, literally the left's white whale, are a red herring. They're not that interesting and the obsession leftists have with pandering to them is a misplacement of resources
Now there's far more to it than that. The fact that y'all constantly downplay and misunderstand the racism of working class whites, the fact that they are doubling down on their support for black enslavement even though socialism is more visible and popular than ever
And the fact that black people don't really NEED to pander to their reactionary attitudes and "accept" a certain level of disrespect in order to fight these battles. Y'all gone learn that lots of non-white people feel the same way
Those of you who are mad at my tweet because you think that the "rural whites" are the secret sauce to "winning" - not only do you underestimate their racism and the extent to which they've doubled down and shown their asses lately
You overestimate how important they are to this coalition. The fetishistic focus on white dudes in flannels is not just annoying because it's racist. It's annoying because it's D U M B
But the real kicker is that if you REALLY hated my tweet that much then tranquilo, it's very likely that my idea of winning and your idea of winning are so different that we don't really have much to say to each other
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