⚠️This is about to be a thread . . . a loooong thread, grab a drink.

We need to have a conversation that is two-pronged: 1) about foreign interference in our elections and 2) this fucking unicorn known as "Black feminism."

Both are pissing me off but this trash right here, NOPE
Let me start with foreign peoples thinking they have any right to speak on our elections, or the candidates that are running. I have seen this fuckery phenomena from all over but this right here, this one took the gotdamn cake.
FIRST of all, you are not American so Kamala Harris does not represent you nor do YOU need to hold her accountable for a fucking thing. When risk your life to cast that vote in American elections, we can have a different conversation. Til then, you need to take all the seats.
My girl, in her whole 21+ years, living in a whole other fucking country thought it was a good idea to write a whole article about Kamala. Now, if it were, in fact, balanced, we would not be having this conversation BUT it was anything but balanced. She was so intellectually lazy
that all she did was repeat known and DEBUNKED lies & misinformation. Aside from the fact that she, as a non-American, just learned about Shirley Chisolm 2 fucking years ago, she has the audacity to evoke her name and purpose while trying to disparage Kamala!
Naw bitch, not today!

See, if you would have done even the slightest bit of research (that means Google) you would have seen that, aside from Kamala being way progressive and ahead of her time, she never EVER locked up a single parent for truancy. https://twitter.com/sjs856/status/1287971899264311296?s=20
We have also offered CA$H money to ANYBODY that could produce a single fucking person that she locked up over truancy . . . still waiting to pay that out . . . but you picked the problematic parent, who went to jail but not because of Kamala Harris.
Or, if you weren't so lazy, you could have read the WHOLE ASS thread, with receipts, here 👇🏾 https://twitter.com/blackwomenviews/status/1120804385901240320?s=20
But the fact that you CHOSE to not do any of those things and simply write a whole ass article regurgitating lies and half-truths, you show that you are the last fucking person to speak about a damn thing on American politics, or the candidates running.
This is where all you nice "foreign" folks living in a whole other fucking country feel the need, or dare I say entitlement, to speak about our elections as if you have a fucking vote. YOU DON'T.
You are out here being a whole ass chaos agent while secretly caping for an old ass woman who appropriated NA identity, but you are pretty quiet on that shit huh? Just like you fellow chaos fucknugget Medhi Asinine who thinks that because he is "about" America, he can say shit.
You fell into that trap of thinking you could too. You can't.

But hey, since we are getting into who and how folks are running our respective countries, explain to us why YOUR country devalues the lives of Black women and children so much
Even the UN has been trying to figure out what is going on in the Ivory Coast . . .
But the worst fucking part? Is that you live in a place where you had a pregnant woman stabbed to death and then hung from a fucking tree! Yet you felt it appropriate to lie about Kamala? What the fuck does YOUR house look like? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-52979900
You live in a part of the world where your own president has said it's one of the most unsafe places in the world to be a woman. So why, in all your Blackness, did you think reporting a lazy attack on Kamala was going to be a safe space for you?

That's the thing about being lazy
Eventually, somebody is going to expect you to work and then you don't know how to do just the basic shit.

But I am confused, who is the "we" you speak of? Are you licensed to practice law in the US? Have you been to prison here? Who the actual fuck is this collective "we"
What are the ACTUAL "anti-Black" policies that she has promoted? Since you aren't American, you aren't BLACK AMERICAN, what the fuck you know about our system or how it functions?
And since you JUST learned about Shirley Chisolm, the fact that you felt you had enough of the ancestor's spirit to even make this statement makes me wonder how they didn't raise up and slap you in the face!
I don't know all of the intricacies of the way your legal/social system works in SA, but I know enough to know that you should really focus on what is happening in your own backyard before you start trying to put real estate in my yard. Kamala Harris has ALWAYS been #ForThePeople
Now, if anyone is still reading this, let's talk about that fucking unicorn shall we?
My BFF from childhood and I were having a conversation about feminism. She said "I don't fuck with feminism, it's made for wite womyn" and I was like but hey, there are Black feminists . . .

I thought she was going to clock my ass through the phone! She was ready to!
But here is the thing about Black feminists, they are doing the work of wite womyn. Yes, you put your perspective or spin on it, but in the end, you are performing for a wite audience, which is why it is always so easy to disparage Black women who don't need to do that.
If yuo look at those Black feminists, they want "their" experiences as Black women to be valued and damn anyone else. This is why you see them go hard for political candidates that, in fact, do not have their best interest at heart but want to pimp out their support to show other
wite fokes how "woke" they are about our issues.

Last time I checked, somebody who does not look like me, hasn't had the experiences I have had, cannot speak a fucking WORD about what it will take to right those wrongs.

Performing "Black feminism" is just another way
that y'all continue to march in the suffragette movement, only to be told naw, you still can't vote. Now go clean my house!

To see Black women do this is so disheartening and it pisses me off.
You can disagree with a policy stance, and if that is the thing you can accurately articulate, then fucking do so. But when you try to band with Black women, whilst simultaneously tearing a Black woman down, you ain't shit.

But the SA author of this trash is not new to this shit
She hates you if you are Black or wite, and, apparently, a Democrat. But again, her ass is in a whole other fucking country so why is she so invested in what we do?

Perhaps it is because she is one of those "shithole" countries that depends on us?
And before y'all try to drag me for that, I didn't say it, just repeating what the current occupant has said. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the orange clown.
If your country is depending on help/assistance from the US, perhaps you ought to pick your battles better because another 4 years of the current hell we have, your asses won't get a damn thing.

But perhaps you ought to take that up with YOUR LEADERSHIP IN YOUR COUNTRY!
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