this stat gets thrown around A LOT and while it’s certainly helpful to point out the fact that corporations are way more harmful than individuals, the stat is misleading
I used to throw it around too!!! But then someone explained that the companies that are on that list are mostly fossil fuel companies and when INDIVIDUALS use their products (ie drive cars, take cruises, fly, etc) the study counted that as emissions from the corporation
Which is... misleading.

Again!!! I would like most corporations to be broken up and for all the people involved to b*rn in h*ll. But there WILL need to be individual sacrifice. People will HAVE TO change their diets. People will HAVE TO use less oil.
Depressingly, we are WAYYYYY past the point where going after 71 corporations is going to fix the problem. That might have worked in 1990, but we are 30 years too late.
Are individuals to blame? Mostly no. (Really rich people are the exception to this). The average person is doing “nothing” in the big scheme of climate change. But ***collectively*** most humans in rich western countries are NOT living sustainably.
Another thing about individual/collective indivual action that I think is in its favor: ITS THE ONLY THING WE CAN DO SOMETIMES. Right now, it’s unlikely we can change corporate actions for a while. We can lay groundwork, but it’s a long game. We can change individuals much faster
Anyway. Sorry but individuals are going to have to give up a lot. They shouldn’t have to. That reality sucks shit. I’m sorry. We’re paying the price for generations of greed.
Someone very correctly pointed out— usually I’m better about remembering to add this addendum so this is !!!totally my bad!!!—but not everyone can make changes. Some people can’t afford to, some people are not able. We (myself included obviously) have to be aware of what we ask.
Not everyone can afford to go vegan or take public transit or buy an electric car or whatever individual change. We have to be inclusive and I fucked up not adding this addendum.
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