Hello, friends. First of all, my heart and energy goes out to all of you who are affected by the catastrophic fires in Oregon and California, and other places. I hope everyone will continue to join me in sending healing energy out West.
I did not plan in giving a message today, but after two days of hate mail, death threats, and a lot of dark energy being thrown my way, I feel that a discussion would be useful to bring some clarity as to why I gave Friday's message.
Before I give more of an explanation, I am highly protected and not in danger. I have a brigade of angels who protect me, who actually think it is fun to play badminton with spheres of dark energy that some like to throw my direction, which gets batted back to whoever sent it.
I hope it is apparent that if I were only interested in amassing a lot of followers and blowing smoke at people, I would be giving different messages than I gave on Friday. The message did not come from my own opinion or bias or emotion.
When messages must be given that are meant to cause cognitive dissonance and effect change in thought, it is always the case that the one who gives the message is vilified.
I would like to tell you about Jesus, not in an effort to compare my work to the outstanding work he did, but to tell you how his messages were received during two of his lifetimes here on Earth. He had several lifetimes here before he was Jesus.
Before the soul known here as Jesus was incarnated in what is now Palestine, he was incarnated in the area that is now Western Europe, I believe Scotland. He taught a message in that lifetime of healing and peace. He was beheaded for his teachings.
After several lifetimes here on Earth, after coming from the Pleiades as an upper Fourth Density being, Jesus was ready to take on the mission he planned in Palestine and Jerusalem . His mother, Mary, was aware he was coming and told everyone he would be a "Messiah."
For those of you who have been studying the Christ Letters, wherein Jesus describes his own, very ordinary lifetime as Jesus, you know that he was a typical teenage boy and young man. His mother was devastated.
Jesus was my second cousin during that lifetime. We lived in different villages. Due to the fact that travel was more difficult back then, and no social media existed, I did not know Jesus personally. I only knew Jesus by what I heard about him from others.
Jesus was talked about by many people, because his mother had told everyone he would be the Messiah, and he clearly did not act like anybody's messiah as a teenager or younger man. My family used to gossip about his actions on a regular basis.
After Jesus went through his somewhat "crash awakening" during his 40 days in the desert, he emerged, completely changed by what he learned. He gave up his human ways of thinking, and emerged as a man who would forever change human history.
Jesus decided to take on the most powerful, corrupt voices in his country--the high clergy of Judaism. He did not say nice things about them. Instead, he went into their temples and threw over tables and chastised them for moneychanging in the name of Jehovah.
And we all know how that lifetime ended for Jesus. His own Jewish people turned on him, and had him crucified because he was upsetting their status quo.
I've told you about another lifetime I had when I was starved, tortured, and killed in one of the Auchschwitz concentration camps of the Third Reich. Many of you were there with me, as we suffered with those who suffered, to bring light to the darkness.
Another group who was there with us were German citizens who were not Jews--but they spoke up for their Jewish friends and neighbors. They spoke up against the corruption. For their good works, they were sent to the concentration camps with those for whom they advocated.
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