Hey, just a quick thread for folks in bloc who have been in it for 100 days:

Your range is probably much bigger than it used to be. Your brain and body acclimated you to really threatening things, and you accumulated episodes of survival and solidarity.
That experience has changed the way your brain works. The dopamine and serotonin and noradrenaline didn't just flood your brain during those events, it also changed the course of the river. I bet it feels good to go out with your people and fight. You can stand up to tough shit.
That's not a bad thing really.

But you have to be aware though, you're kind of like a racehorse now. Do you feel nervous or pent-up or like you have too much energy if you get a whole night's sleep? Are you a little twitchy? Do your hands shake when you're not in high gear?
You have to manage this as a whole human being. Nobody can ride a high every day for long. You have to be able to bring yourself back down and relax. Cuddling, calmness, deep breathing. Slowing waaaay down. If you can do this without self-medicating, all the better.
You also have to make the effort to be vulnerable and process these experiences. If you cry, cry. Be vulnerable with each other. It will do a lot to level you.
And once you've done all that, you'll still have the energy and the range. You are strong now.

Eviction defense, lightning actions, mutual aid: all of these things will keep you running. We need you.

See you in the streets.
Postscript: People seem to be borrowing my words to bring trauma into this. I'm not talking about trauma. Trauma can be involved, but it's not required. Not every stretch is a tear. So don't despair.
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