I hate the term "noncompliant" as a patient. It strongly implies a willful refusal to heed the advice of HCPs and it's unevenly applied against patients and is frequently weaponized by HCPs. Drs esp refuse to acknowledge any barriers pts may have to compliance
The threat of being labelled noncompliant erodes the trust of patients and is often used to coerce marginalized pts into treatments they can't sustain or that they know will harm them at worst and do nothing at best. It prevents pts from seeking help for problems as well
I've been coerced multiple times into doing tx that I know I can't do or that I know will be harmful or unhelpful. Or I just flat out lie, bcuz either I've tried it before or I know my barriers to access will go ignored and I'll be labeled noncompliant for shit I can't control
Black ppl are assumed to be untrustworthy, uncaring about our health, lazy, immoral and ignorant, stupid and foolish. You see this whenever studies show that racial bias is a primary reason Black ppl have worse health and here come the "if they didn't eat fast food" ppl
Those ppl victim blaming us refuse to note that fast food places outnumber grocery stores, that those stores lack quality food, esp fresh produce, that ppl working 3 jobs don't have time to cook and that healthy foods are overpriced. The noncompliant label is used similarly
I don't think drs and other HCPs should label a pt noncompliant without notating every single barrier the pt faces to compliance bcuz drs are predisposed to think marginalized pts are exaggerating or lying about their circumstances and ascribe malintent to them
A continuation of these thoughts today https://twitter.com/SingsongRaptor/status/1305262337465683969?s=19
Please don't hop on this thread to tell me ways I can buy groceries, that is missing the point and doesn't solve various other barriers to "diet and lifestyle changes" that drs routinely ignore to malevolently label patients as noncompliant.
I didn't ask for advice on this thread, don't give me any. Assuming that I am lacking knowledge or haven't tried something fairly basic is pretty irritating and insulting, and poor and disabled ppl like myself have to deal with that all the time.
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