I watched Cuties (tho at 3x speed) for the "you gotta see it to criticize it" tards. So I can confidently say the "it's 4D CP!" people either haven't seen it, are giving the MOST charitable viewing, or they're just lying. Cuties is primarily a rebuke of Islamic conservatism.
Erotic dance is presented as an escape from Islam’s restrictiveness, which is portrayed 100% negative, so necessarily, dancing must be in a positive light for AT LEAST 90% of the film. The girls are happy, smiling when dancing. It gets them what they want in numerous situations.
When the MC goes to school dressed like a skank, her friends cheer her and some rando boy tells her, “You rock.” Her dancing alienates her from her family, yes, but this is never really a “deeply negative result” as her family elders are then presented as cultic wackos.
The MC’s “only hope” does not come from “abandoning [dancing] entirely,” but Islam. At the end, her mother does a magical face-heel turn when she sees her daughter “in the clothes of a whore” and understands her desire for liberation, letting her skip the dreaded Muslim wedding.
Are there elements of a “hypersexualization can be a problem” thesis in this? Maybe?? Like the shots of disapproving women in the cheering crowd watching the dance competition, I guess?? But you can credibly say there’s a huge undercurrent of “sexualization as emancipation, too.
And ofc, it’s all paired with gratuitous crotch and ass-shaking shots throughout. “The gyrating preteens are supposed to make you uncomfortable!” they squeal, but to me, they’re srsly indistinguishable from a film by a filmmaker who may find this type of expression “admirable.”
So my review: the movie is filth and I also seriously, seriously doubt it was the French-Senegalese director trying to prove a point that she could get Netflix to distribute softcore CP. Who really thinks Netflix has ever had standards anyway? The end.
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