You: Abolish grocery stores.

Me: Maybe we could just reform them? Make them more sustainable & healthy?

You: No , get rid of them & let other institutions, like CSA, Farmers Markets, & local butchers take that work.

Me: Ok but what if I need milk on short notice?...
You: Do the reading. Here is a link dump. It took me years to understand that this is the only way. Catch up.

Me: ok, but you’re the expert here. Walk me through the steps of milk acquisition in your groceryless world. I want to understand how this works...
You: I won’t participate in bad faith thought exercises w/ someone who won’t do the work.

Me: Ok. Then I wont participate in grocery abolition.

You: Fascist! Your day’s coming.

Me: You just assigned me ~2 yrs of (uncompensated) study, then threatened me for asking questions!
I don’t know why people don’t get that “this is an emergency, so I don’t have time to explain this to you; you either fall in line or suffer the consequences” is the essence of authoritarianism.

It’s like they went to the Jack Bauer School of Social Justice.
Not really the point of this particular thread tho. I’ve asked to be walked through the nuts & bolts aftermath of a rape — from reporting, to apprehending the suspect, to justice — and cannot get even an attempt at an answer.
I have a detailed mental model of how it will go when the police are done away with, & it's some mix of The Purge & paying protection money to various armed gangs. So I think it's reasonable to ask you, a person who has "done the reading", to show me your post-police mental model
Like, in the rape example, in my brain a no-police scenario involves the victim going out of pocket to hire a PI, then hiring The Pinkertons to round him up, & then the victim's male relatives digging a 6ft hole in the woods. I can describe it b/c I saw 4 movies & 12 TV shows.
But I have never seen the no-police rape justice scenario on a screen that involves "community restorative justice" or whatever Amish or indigenous setup your Rolling Stone listicle has in it. So you're gonna have to spell that out for me in order for me to get my mind around it.
No I think it's an excellent example for precisely this reason. You can't say "they're bad at it, so we will end them & replace them with... some TBD thing that I refuse to give details of." I'm gonna have to insist you fill in TBD w/ something less bad.
Because if you can't give me a concrete, nuts-and-bolts, just-so story of the mechanics of improving something that everyone agrees the police are terrible at, then you just declined to swing at the softball pitch. Why should I imagine you can hit a fastball?
So let's start with you explaining to me a better mechanism for bringing rapists to justice, & what that looks like. That should be easy, given that the police are so bad at it. If you can't do the easy one, then I suspect you're conning me about being able to fix all the things.
This is the way it is at every turn w/ police abolitionists.

You: Police rarely solve thefts.

Me: Yeah I hear you! So what's YOUR superior plan for getting me my stuff back when somebody steals it. I'm excited for the details!

You: the reading... argle bargle
No disagreement! The current system is TERRIBLE! We need a better system, but we do need /a/ system. It can't be "no system at all for a while until we cobble together something else." That doesn't work for me, & I get a say in this.
I dunno about that, bro. This one tweet of yours is a pretty spectacular(albeit unintentional) summary/confirmation of my entire thread, so you may be able walk me through it on here 🤣
I bet if I asked some of the police abolitionists “how would the Fremen of Arrakis get justice for a rape victim” they’d have no problem supplying many colorful details. But ask how a post-police US would do it, well it’s too much to explain & you just have to read all the books.
Me: How would a post-police US bring a rapist to justice?

You: That question is a fascism.

Me: Ok then. How would they bring a rapist to justice in Wakanda?

You: I’ve been waiting my whole life to do a thread on this. You better sit down and get comfortable...
Since this thread has gotten a lot of attention, I wanted to go ahead & finish it w/ a concrete example of what I'm talking about. This viral FB post & the comments, plus me trying to engage around it on FB, is partly what inspired this thread.
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