I need people to know that the general shape of your body is something that you’re born with and can only be changed via surgery, not diet or exercise. The wellness industry is its own brand of capitalistic hell and wants you to continually buy into a system that fails you.
Of course eating well and staying active are important, but no amount of squats are going to completely change your bone structure or metabolism. That’s genetics, babes. If you struggle, I highly encourage you to start following IG accounts of folks who have similar bodies as you
These charts are steeped in sexism, ableism, + racism. I personally think it’s ok to be a little vain in your appearance (I am😬), but your vanity should celebrate your existing body. Stop trying to fit into a mold that wasn’t made for you and start focusing on your own greatness
When I was young, the beauty standard was “the Waif”—thin and willowy and (ideally) tall. Now the standard is somehow maintaining a size 2 waist while having a pumpkin shaped ass. Capitalism likes these extremes because it knows these are hard body types for most people to attain
Capitalism got a hold of the body positive movement (an online movement started primarily by Black women) and warped it into a new prison cell for us to pay to be locked into.
Anyway, it’s the lords day, so take some tasteful nudes. You’re a knock out đŸ’«
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