Today, I started following @realDonaldTrump.

I never ever, ever, EVER thought I’d ever say this as a leftie - I really hope you get re-elected Mr President.

Our world can’t survive another establishment candidate.

May God bless you & may God bless the United States of America
Can we ever forgive DNC for stealing nomination from Bernie in 2015?

Can we ever forgive DNC for a political coup to stop Bernie in 2020?

When will democrats see that DNC establishment isn’t in love with democracy but dictatorship - the very thing they accuse the president of!
I changed my mind. I’m allowed to change my mind. Right now I believe president Trump is a better choice. Full stop. Period.

And to those pointing out my location as a way to discredit my decision - I’m allowed to visit my country of origin and I’m allowed to like who I like.
My father always told me to follow my instincts. And so I do.

I may change my position again - I’m allowed that too - for now I’m sticking with the president.
I was fully aware that I may get much hate from the left. And yes, I was asked to delete my tweet and even account.

I’m choosing to face the wrath & stand for what I believe in

I can’t influence who you choose to be at any given time - I can only influence who I choose to be
As long as my heart is at peace (and it is) I’m content with my decision.

As the saying goes;

“I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not.”

I was asked to either
-delete this tweet
-delete my account or
-delete over 10,000 tweets I wrote in support of Marianne Williamson.

I have message for you democrats: I’m not Hillary to be deleting my messages.

“I’d rather have the whole world against me than my own soul.”
It tells us something about who we are when so many so openly spew hatred towards someone they don’t know.

The first step in our healing and our collective healing is to recognise that everything we see in another is our own self looking back at us.
If you are truly willing to heal (of course you may want to just be ‘right’ and that is you right too) but if you’re willing to heal yourself and our world please replace every “you” you have ever written with “I” and enquire inside with a question:

Where is this true for me?
I believe with my whole heart that all of us, the people of this world, we only want to live in love and peace and harmony in this world.

The only difference between us is the “vehicle” we trust to take us there.
Many, many democrats believe that Biden, a man who supported every single war in the past 47 years is the man to get them to love and peace now.
Millions of innocent people died in those wars and still too many people place trust in such a man to do ‘differently’ this time.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Whoever said this is correct

Voting for a democrat is the same as when abused wife goes back to her abuser.

Who is abuser and who is the abused in our political theatre?
You can follow @rewritingurmind.
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