1/n The AZ vaccine adverse effects are seriously concerning. First, since public money flowed into the project through OWS, we need to have access to the data to figure out what happened. If needed, this should be escalated (legally)
2/n Transverse myelitis is a rare event but has been seen with vaccines before. Several questions need to be addressed -/ but systematically
3/n possibility 1: related to previous medical conditions. MS etc. Thats the best case scenario for AZ because one can exclude such patients of detectable
4/n Possibility 2: this is related to the Adenovirus (recall that the Vaccine inoculum is large). That’s not good because several vaccine platforms are based on Adeno systems
5/n Possibility 3: it’s related to a brisk immune system reaction to Spike RBD in general. That’s very bad news. That means the highly adjuvanted Moderna vaccine will also have these effects. Very very concerning
6/n Possibility 4: There was antibody dependent enhancement. Well, not so bad maybe, cos people with high titer Covid antibodies could be excluded.
7/n In all cases, public release of data would be helpful, and serology provided to investigators would be helpful. Plus, we need to exclude the possibility that other vaccines won’t have the same effects.
8/n Thus, any emergency EUA before these issues are resolved seems deeply premature. Any other possibilities that we can think of ?
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