

THREAD about why race is in the @NICEComms hypertension (blood pressure) guidelines and why it should go: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng136 

@MedCrisis and I read #AngelaSaini's book "Superior" and were horrified at the inclusion of race without clear scientific basis:


The @NICEComms specifically implies that Black people are inherently different (assumption: biological/genetic) compared to White people.

Why? @DoctorMayJay

Suggestions: Black people are inherent salt retainers due to salt deficiency, etc: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1694537/

This article from @American_Heart is a long reach arguing that there are inherent genetic differences between Black people and White people citing small genetic studies: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.118.11064

Interestingly the American blood pressure guidance does not buy this hypothesis is any way: https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/high-blood-pressure-toolkit-resources

But let's look at the evidence:

Meta-analysis comparing blood pressure response to ACE inhibitors for black and white people found a 4mmHg difference: https://ssom.luc.edu/media/stritchschoolofmedicine/publichealthsciences/documents/kc2010.pdf

If Black people were all poor responders, you would expect the difference to be far bigger.

Conflicting data to show clear benefit/detriment in cardiovascular/cerebrovascular outcomes from ACE inhibitor use for Black people: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1060028018779082

If they didn't work that well then perhaps there would show no change or clear detriment.

What do you do if you have 1 Black parent and 1 White parent or 1 Black grandparent? Which medication would now be suitable?

Should we use the "1 drop rule"?

Most people can only trace their heritage only a few generations back so can't rule out Black ancestry.

But we know that social factors affect a person's health greater than biological / genetic factors.


@MedCrisis and I wrote about this in @JHHypertension here: https://rdcu.be/b61ev 

I will be discussing with colleagues and following up with @NICEComms directly.

I've heard @BSHeartFailure have similar concerns so will contact them too.

Opinion piece to follow this too.

Perhaps ACE inhibitors should be offered to everyone first line considering age?

GPs and (hypertension) experts - thoughts?


Thanks. 🙏🏽

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