A Thread in response to this morning's latest news

As we have been tiptoeing toward the unimaginable, we have tried protest (which has shown its self to be pointless), and now the goose step's pace is quickening
The Office For Budget Responsibility states:

"In our latest forecast, we expect council tax receipts in 2019-20 to total £36.3 billion (on an accrued basis). That would represent 4.5 per cent of total receipts and is
Equivalent to £1,300 per household or 1.7 per cent of national income. Cash spending financed by council tax receipts is expected to be £35.5 billion. That would represent 4.2 % of total public spending and is also equivalent to £1,200 per household or 1.6 % of national income."
A mass refusal to pay Council Tax is a method by which out voices could be heard in a meaningful way. Based on the momentum gained through the scale of numbers this is potentially a means by which we can, as a nation, start to be heard. Our current dismay is being laughed at.
Assuming the numbers involved were great enough - any such campaign would take enormous planning and publicising) any hope the Government would have of attempting enforcement would be impossible.

What other options exist, or do we just sit back and allow Fascism masquerading
as governance to occur. As we should all be aware Martin Niemöller's words have never been more prescient:

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist....."
We are slowly being abnegated by a psychopathic administration. We are no longer able to gather, and now our Human Rights are about to be taken away. What next?

I would appreciate any comments or proposals.

We must act now; before it is too late!
You can follow @JohnFordBlagger.
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