Girls with large labia : Playboy refused to show visible labia, because it was seen as too explicit ! It was in fact too sexy for soft porn. Nowadays, it is rare to see it in mainstream porn, but times are changing. I promise : most people love a meaty pussy !
Hiding labia made and kept people ignorant about it ! Unless you feel some discomfort, I promise that you are normal ! Large labia has nothing to do with how often one has sex, otherwise tons of people would have labia down to their ankles !
Ignorant people think/ say that it means a vagina is loose. The size of your labia minors make has nothing to do with the size of your Vagina. Actually, larger labia can wrap around the erected penis during intercourses, and make one’s vagina feel tighter ;) !
*minora *- make, I hate my autocorrect.
Share in order to make as many vagina owners comfortable with their labia minora !
My pleasure 💝
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