📜 *Thread* - Divine Inheritance

Secrets REMOVED from the bible

How to access the source of creation
Man comes into this world financed by God

When man remembers who he is

He gains access to his inheritance

- Unlimited supply
- Direct contact to creation

📜 “You will know the truth & the truth shall set you free”

This next passage was edited out of the Bible...
📜 “When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known,

and you will realize it is you who are the sons of the living father.

But if you will not know yourselves

You dwell in poverty & it is you who are that poverty”
🔑 “It is you who are the sons of the living father”

- You are not the character
- You are the observer

🎮 Like a video game

To know yourself is to know the observer. The player. Consciousness

Not the character. The body. The personality. The identity
🔑 You are as important to God as God is important to you

Because the universe, source, God

Divides itself to experience itself

Therefore you come into this world financed by God

You are the sons of the living father

The father has your inheritance
But if you do not know yourself
Know that you are the son
Know that you are the observer

You can’t tap into that inheritance

📜 “I myself can do nothing, the father within me doeth the work”

Myself = conscious analytical mind & identity

Father within = subconscious/spirit
🔑 You’ve already experienced your inheritance before

- Conversation flowing effortlessly with your friends
- Deep in writing/working, flowing out of you
- In the zone playing a sport

You’re not consciously calculating or forcing

It’s just happening through you in that moment
Notice also, in all those you are CREATING

- Creating work
- Creating a moment
- Creating art

Your subconscious has all the answers

...if we allow it to come to the surface & happen through us
📜 “Seek first the kingdom and all your desires shall be added onto you”

But they censored something about the kingdom 👇🏼

Paraphrasing: ‘those who say the kingdom is in the sky are wrong...

📜 “rather the kingdom is inside you & outside you”
^ Further evidence you come into this world financed by God

🏰 You the observer have a element of the overall kingdom within you

Soul/Spirit/Subconscious - a unique piece is within YOU

From the collective kingdom/source

Yet another key component was removed... 👇🏼
📜 “when the two make peace in this house

you will say to the mountain move

and it will move”

🔑 The Two = Conscious & Subconscious on the same page

Thought + Emotion on the same page

🏔 Mountain is symbolic of the mountain you wish to climb, the goals you wish to ascend to
When they are congruent & aligned

⚡️💡Like a wire you are integrated & ‘connected’ or tapped into the kingdom

Entry to the Kingdom 🏰 👇🏼
- Know yourself
the observer/player/soul/son

- Integrated
Thought + Emotion
Subconscious + Conscious

You now access your inheritance
- How to create what you want from this space

- How to link thought & emotion, conscious & subconscious easier

...stay tuned for the next thread

Oh and remember,
Don’t forget who you are

Thank you for reading,
Cheers 🥂

- Yous
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