Any writers out there, can you help writer a better thread please?
We need something to cut through all the division that has been deliberately either created or stirred up to extreme levels by agents of those currently in power, to show the authoritarian intent of this 1/8
cabinet and their backers. It needs to be generic, so that whatever the views on the multiple single issue polarisations, it hits home.
I am not a good writer, I’ve made a start - is there anyone you can contact to improve, enhance and add to the following message? It needs 2/8
to be punchy, direct and easily understood.

Fellow citizens of the United Kingdom, may I have a just a few minutes of you time please?
When I say citizens, I mean everyone, regardless of whether or not you believe in Brexit, controlling immigration, climate change, BLM, 3/8
Covid, etc. – Everyone.
We are all in danger of becoming polarised by manufactured culture wars, sparked off by those who seek to undermine our democracy.
There is a way to prevent this happening, please consider the following:

Every person in this country can have an 4/8
opinion on a subject which lies on a spectrum of the possible answers. That is good and healthy.
For every person there are a multitude of ways of interpreting the subject, and that is also good.
Each person’s opinion on any subject can change over time as they think 5/8
about it, which is healthy.

The point is that within our society although we may have differing opinions on some of the hundreds of issues in our lives, in fact when averaged out, we are all in broad agreement about the most of the issues.
The tolerance of other people’s 6/8
opinions on individual issues is part of what makes us here in the UK a balanced and civilised democracy. – It something that binds us together and protects us from attempts to undermine our democracy.
This country is in grave danger from an attempt to create an 7/8
authoritarian state, one in which your vote will no longer have any influence on what happens in this country.
When they remove the rule of law over their actions you will have no way of holding them to account for their future actions, however dreadful they are.
More info on the attempted populist coup below if would interested, but for now just help with the above thread would be much appreciated - Many thanks - Jim (And the rest of the country)
You can follow @NibblerRat.
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