Oka travel based Q&A thread...free unnollu answer
1. Ippatidaka India lo enni states travel chesaru
2. Abroad travel chesara? If yes ekkadiki?
3. Me favourite tourist destination in India enti?
4. Me favourite tourist destination abroad enti?
5. Eppatikaina visit cheyyali ankune place?
6. What do you like? Hill station or beach?
7. Coldest place you ever visited
8. Hottest place you ever visited
9. Eppudaina waterfalls chusara? If yes which one?
10. Travel lo taste chesina best cuisine?
11. Evartho travel cheyadam prefer chestaru?
12. Eppudaina solo travel chesara other than work purpose?
13. What's your favorite mode of transport?
14. Elanti travel me type...fully planned/sudden unplanned travel?
Inka Vesta depending on response
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