if abusers showed that they were abusive, DV would not be as common as it is. do not insult the intelligence of women or their families and friends. abusive men are ALL wolf in sheep’s clothing. abusers are found in the most charismatic, empathetic, and supportive PRESENTING men.
you know what else i’m tired of hearing? “why don’t they leave/defend themselves”
70% of DV calls do not end in prosecution.
93% of women in cali prison for murdering their significant other were victims of DV.
67% of women in ny prison are there for killing their abuser.

this has gotten far & a lot of ppl have been highlighting the fact that my language should‘ve been gender neutral. i agree & i deeply apologize for offending anyone. for context i was initially ranting about some nasty responses to a thread *not this one* about this case: https://twitter.com/gidi_traffic/status/1304752805090144256
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