TO Mark Cuban @mcuban, RE: Your BLM Question (1 of 12)


TLDR? Pick another slogan & start over

#BidenRiots #BLMTerrrorist #AntifaTerrorists Pledge of Allegiance @realDonaldTrump @JackPosobiec @dbongino
1) POC lives matter but many believe the #BLM org is a Trojan Horse for forcing Marxism into our society. BLM is a Marxist hate group, using the premise of fighting "police brutality & systemic racism" to lure unsuspecting people & sponsors to advance BLM's true mission..
1A) This image is a good representation of many Americans perception of the BLM organization...
2A) BLM Claims
1. "Cops kill tons of people, disproportionately blacks"
-10-15 unarmed blacks are killed per yr on avg
-"Blacks are *underrepresented* relative to their overrepresentation of crime"-Peter Kirsanow, USSCR
-5,200 total blacks killed/yr: 96% by other blacks
2B) BLM Claims
2 . "USA is Systemically Racist & Anti-Black"
"There's.. racism here & there but not systemic racism, except in one area, in academia, almost every college...discriminates *against whites & Asians* to the favor of blacks & Hispanics" -Peter Kirsanow, USSCR
3) It's clear from BLM's website, its leaders' videos & ACTIONS (riots in 20+ cities), they follow Karl Marx's ideology, the basis for socialist & communist societies that left 100 million dead in Germany, Russia, China, Cuba. BLM is anti-capitalism, police & fathers in homes..
4) At 1st, the deceptive, loving #BlackLivesMatter slogan drew millions who supported the idea of "peaceful protests." Protests turned violent in 20+ democrat-run cities with BLM Marxists & Antifa rioting, beating & killing innocent Americans... burning & looting neighborhoods..
5) The #FakeNews(CNN,MSNBC,WAPO) & "socialist dems"(Biden,Harris,AOC,Sanders,Omar)" denied the riots & won't cover them(since rioters are Biden voters) despite 100s of hrs of video from indy journalists showing mostly white Americans being assaulted/killed by thugs in BLM gear..
6) Fox News is covering the riots, showing BLM & Antifa committing beatings, killings, arson & looting. Only after Biden's polls dropped, did he acknowledge the riots. He has yet to mention or disavow BLM & Antifa's ongoing violence. [Rioters often yell "BLM" at their victims⬇️]
7) Democrat leaders @SpeakerPelosi @RepMaxineWaters CNN & others publicly called for democrat voters to stalk conservatives and "get in their faces," which has led to increased violence on citizens [below an ad of real footage, didn't have time to find the source clips)⬇️
8) A horrifying example of BLM's violence is the recent execution of conservative Jay Danielson. "BLM Security" Michael Reinoehl hid, then ambushed Danielson as he walked by. Liberal media claimed he was a "white supremacist" Biden blamed Danielson, saying he "incited a response"
9) Despite the lib media suppressing the news of the violence, many Americans are rapidly realizing the riots in 20+cities with liberal mayors may come to their cities. Many believe if Biden's radical team wins, chaos is certain. [BLM threatening POTUS @realDonaldTrump⬇️]
10) Perhaps incited by @RepMaxineWaters' & other liberal politicians' calls for dem voters to "get in peoples' faces"... These rioters scream racist, anti-white insults at families at a restaurant. This is enough for anyone with a family to avoid BLM.
11) After seeing the widespread violence and abuse BLM & Antifa are inflicting on citizens nationwide, many white and black people are condemning BLM as an angry racist organization. @ScottAdamsays likened BLM to "the Black KKK" (makes some sense after you listen⬇️)...
12) Hopefully this was helpful in showing why Americans are running from the BLM org

While BLM may have many peaceful protestors, the org is clearly a violent Marxist group with motives far different from what people were led to believe

Let's pick another slogan & start over
13)I didn't intend this to be so long, but there's so much incredible/disturbing video out there, thanks to the brave, indy journalists(REAL journalists)
@livesmattershow @RichieMcGinniss @VenturaReport @ElijahSchaffer @stillgray @selfdeclaredref @MrAndyNgo @BGOnTheScene @mrctv
14) Another reason many Americans who at first thought BLM was a loving, positive movement, are rejecting #BlackLivesMatter is due to their outright condemnation of God & religion.

Here a large BLM group chants "F*ck You Jesus!"
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