End of day 1 of birding in Arizona. I got 9 lifers today.

Gila Woodpecker,
Cactus Wren,
Cassin’s Vireo,
Gambel’s Quail,
Green-tailed Towhee,
Abert’s Towhee,
Canyon Towhee,
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher,
Gilded Flicker.
End of day 2, birding in Arizona. I got 18 MORE lifers. Bringing my running total to 27 lifers & counting.

Broad-tailed Hummingbird,
Vaux’s Swift,
Varied Bunting,
Hepatic Tanager,
Rufous-crowned Sparrow,
Yellow-eyed Junco,
Bridled Titmouse,
Mexican Jay,
Arizona Woodpecker.......
Lifer list (cont) ...

Broad-billed Hummingbird,
Calliope Hummingbird,
Rivoli’s Hummingbird,
Scott’s Oriole,
Bell’s Vireo,
Dusky-capped Flycatcher,
Violet-crowned Hummingbird,
Rufous Hummingbird,
Plain-capped Starthroat!
End of day 3, birding in SE Arizona. Added 7 more lifers today: bringing my running total to 35!
Today’s lifers are:

Dusky Flycatcher,
Canyon Wren,
Five-striped Sparrow,
MacGillivray’s Warbler,
Hammond’s Flycatcher,
Thick-billed Kingbird, and
Montezuma Quail!
I’ve had little to no cell service, so here’s my end of day 4 lifer list, from birding in SE Arizona:

Swainson’s Hawk,
Cordilleran Flycatcher,
Painted Redstart,
Hermit Warbler,
Virginia’s Warbler,
Pygmy Nuthatch,
Mexican Chickadee,
Steller’s Jay,
Greater Pewee....(cont)
... lifer list cont.

Blue-throated Mountain-gem,
Band-tailed Pigeon,
Spotted Owl,

and..... finally taken off the “Nemesis List”.

That’s a total of 48 lifers in 4 days.
My life list is at 495, Number 500 is in my sights!!!!
Day 6 of birding in SE Arizona, here’s my running lifer list:

Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay,
Brewer’s Sparrow,
Northern Pygmy-owl,
Elegant Trogon,
Plumbeous Vireo,

And my 500th species......

That’s 54 lifers so far, here’s a video of one of the 3 Elegant Trogons seen today.
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