kingsman might be the most violent movie that i adore. so well done tho!! so much of it aged really well, too
i mean-
definitely one of the most interesting villains, played by samuel l jackson with an adorable lisp. i mean the ecofascist sentiment aged like fine wine, i've literally seen tweets and facebook comments with these words in the past year
he's also got a badass bodyguard?? she's got prosthetic legs that function as swords and a great taste in fashion. she, uh, break-dances to fight the protagonist at some point
couple more thoughts. one is this *kisses fingers* absolutely delicious line, written and performed incredibly well. 1/2
i'm Love this scene's choreography, and the fact that it's all bigoted people dying, but i gotta say. a bloodbath at a church is the one thing in this movie that aged extremely poorly
and lastly. i don't do headcanons as much anymore but Eggsy? transmasc, absolutely, and kingsman is all about that transition life
just look at how he dresses!! anyway i'm done
okay i lied, THIS is the last tweet. here, have a reaction img that's just extremely relevant all the time
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