01 - $PYLON

- I'm not quite sure what the APY is for the newly launched farming but it started today and there are pools that require PYLON to farm iirc.
- Price returned back to local support
- I dunno... only played starcraft like 5 times.
02 - $PYLON

And support it did, while killing a lilshit zergwassies in the process so a win-win really.
03 - $PYLON

Sold at resistance again.

May consider rebuying lower if it gives that opportunity, or somewhere after a breakout if it throwbacks to newly built support.
04 - $PYLON

Good sells

Arguably at support but I'm not looking to buy back.

Idea of funding these peoples mining operation or solar farms for a share of profits is a gigantic meme.

Too many actually legit projects to put money into now for me to buy back into this.

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