Imagine, if you will, that the President was a serial killer. And he made it well known he was a serial killer. And half the nation said, "I can't support him! He's a serial killer!" 1/
And the supporters laughed and said, "oh, he's not a real serial killer. That's just talk." And the President said, "I'm a serial killer." And his supporters cheered. 2/
And the President continued serial killing, but he mostly killed immigrants and his supporters said, "see, he's a problem solver! He's not killing Americans. Nobody should worry. Just let him do what he does!" 3/
And the President started killing the poor. And his supporters said, "he's lifting them off welfare! Hooray! Now my tax dollars won't have to feed the poor!" 4/
And the President started killing those who spoke out against him. His supporters cheered and said, "they deserve it! They should support the President no matter what!" 5/
And his supporters reveled and claimed that with the president killing the immigrants and the poor, there would be more for them! They encouraged others to get on board and share the new wealth and status they believed was sure to come. 6/
But those who opposed the president cried, "how can you support him? He's a serial killer!"

And the President's supporters replied, "oh that! He's not really killing them painfully. Besides, the President before him did it and where was your outrage then?!" 7/
And those who opposed the President said, "that's not true. Can you prove it?"

And there was no proof.

And the President said "look at my enemies! They just pick on me for no reason! Boo hoo hoo! Wah wah wah! I'm a good President! Look at all my Presidenting!" 8/
And the President said, "nobody has ever Presidented like I President! Nobody can believe it! I could President even more if the Democrats just stopped the serial killer hunt!" 9/
And the people who opposed the President said they were anti-serial killer. So the president declared "anti-serial killers" to be a terrorist organization so his secret police could start rounding up all those who spoke against him. 10/
And the President had propaganda sent fast and wide to tell the nation that anti-serial killers were the greatest threat to the nation. 11/
And the President kept on serial killing. Teens of thousands dead and his supporters said, "they were going to die anyway. We can't know for sure the president killed them. Many of them were old or overweight." They even justified the deaths of their fellow supporters.

And there was another election.

The choice was clear:
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