trump claims he “created the best economy in the history of the world.” that is total bull shit. he created nothing. He rode Obama's coat tails then turned Obama’s economy into a “smoke & mirrors” economy. this thread lays out the counterargument to his ridiculous claims
he has had a negative impact on the economy since 2015. this chart shows he disrupted a steady 8 yearlong trend of lower unemployment numbers when it looked like he would be the nominee. we were heading for record lows and should have hit them a year sooner than we did.
other charts show he had little impact on what was Obama's very strong economy & Obama outperformed trump by nearly every measure.
his tax cuts went into effect 2017. they promised:
-$4000 tax break for everyone
-Rocket fuel for the economy
-it would pay for itself
Remember when trump said, “trade wars are good and easy to win?” well here we are 2 years later, and we aren’t winning any trade wars. Farmers have lost most of their profits from China, thousands upon thousands have gone bankrupt and
In addition, the incredible amount of debt he has needlessly heaped on us, he pushed the deficit to over $1 trillion. as with the trillions in additional debt, in a “booming” economy a $1 trillion deficit shouldn’t be necessary
it probably should have stayed there. There has been no real news or progress on any front that justifies the dow making it all the way back up to 129,000 a few days ago. I suspect as things continue to unravel as they are doing, this bubble will burst
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