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This alpaca is prepping for a Zoom meeting
This alpaca is struggling to say that this email does not, in fact, find him well
This alpaca just saw your insta story and is deeply disappointed
This alpaca tried really, really hard to follow the YouTube instructions for a DIY hair cut
This alpaca's sourdough starter failed.

This alpaca just killed *another* succulent and can't afford to try again
This alpaca just heard a cough.
OK I need to actually do my job now but ~watch this space~
This alpaca formally requests an end to Friday news dumps for the duration of quarantine, thank you very much
This alpaca will be hibernating for the rest of this dumpster fire of a year
After a looooong introspection, this alpaca realized that it does, in fact, need therapy
This alpaca is settling in for the weekly Sunday Scaries
This alpaca realized its carpal tunnel is returning with a vengeance
Someone just told this alpaca that it's only Wednesday
This alpaca just realized that there are only five more hours before it can crawl into bed for the next two days
This alpaca just read that hot take you *had* to tweet
This alpaca just signed on to Zoom and realized some of its magnets in the background are NSFW
This alpaca just stress ate everything in the pantry
This alpaca’s Zoom froze at just the wrong moment
This alpaca wishes it didn’t have to have a presence on this festering hellhole of a website to be considered employable
This alpaca wants to remind you that it’s ok to take breaks
This alpaca is watching the debate
This alpaca is also watching the debate
These alpacas are suffering from debate-induced complications
This alpaca just realized that there are two more debates
You can follow @sarahesmith23.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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