TIL: Judas hogs are feral pigs that are captured, fitted with a tracking device to lead hunters back to the living spaces of the other pigs [[Massei & Roy, 2011]]
note2self: if someone catches you in the woods & offers you a necklace, don't go back to the secret compound with it on
“Ok so hear me out. The pigs keep eating our crops, causing crop damage, so what if we just feed them our crops?"
Excellent name for a paper
if these are just the two main reactions what are the other reactions
isn't this the drug people do? I did not know it was pig tranquilizer [[Thurjfell et. al, 2012]]
is that so?
*computer dial-up noises*
This really has nothing to do with current research but it fits the overarching theme https://twitter.com/supamalaman/status/1299483819691499521
Actually maybe it was the Neuralink video that sent me down this path, maybe I heard something in those digitally translated pig thoughts, a secret message https://twitter.com/supamalaman/status/1299481049722888192
Woke up realizing Kamapua’a is the Hawaiian Pig god https://twitter.com/SupaMalaman/status/1305599716353212416
lmao the feral pigs are hapa
To research: Musical Ability of Feral Pigs https://twitter.com/fistlosopher/status/1306857305766584322
A quenk is just a feral pig with a Caribbean accent
Pls be careful https://twitter.com/Xoscaryspice/status/1307581532874223616
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